건강/전신 효소· 엔자임

낫토키나제 혈전용해제

慈尼 Johnny 2010. 11. 29. 01:32


낫토 키나제 90 엔지메디카 / Enzymedica Natto-K™ 90 Caps

▲ 낫또 란 ? (일본 청국장)

나또키나제 (Nattokinase)는 대두를 발효시킬 때 나토균 (청국장균)이 대두의
영양성분을 섭취, 생육하면서 분비하는 강력한 "천연 혈전용해 효소 입니다.

1. 천년이상 일본인들이 이용한 일본 청국장
2. 구라시키 예술과학대학 생명화학과 교수인 스미 히로유키 (須見洋行)교수가 낫또에
혈전(血栓)에 유용한 효소가 들어있다는 것을 발견.
3. 1986년 NHK에서 방영한 이후 일본내에서 폭발적인 낫또 붐과 소비신장.

미국 엔지메디카 ( Enzymedica 엔자이메디카) 사는 효소만을 전문으로 연구 생산하는
유명제조사 이며, 타회사 의 동물추출효소 제품과 달리 생식물 소화효소 제품
( Plant Based Enzyme) 이며

또한 (Thera Bland) 라는 엔지메디카 사의 품질은 음식물 을 타제품보다 3배 더욱 잘게
분해 시켜 주는 고급 효소제 입니다

이용방법 :
건강 유지  : 1일 1회, 1회 1갭슐, 취침 직전 섭취
혈전 치료  : 1일 3회, 1회 1 캡슐 ( 하루 최고 6 캡슐까지 드실수 있습니다. )

성분및 함량 : 1 캡슐당
Nutritional Information Serving Size: 1 capsule
Amount Per Capsule:
Nattokinase NSK-SD Blend 1,000 FU
Amylase Thera-blend 3,600 DU
Protease Thera-blend 16,000 HUT
Bromelain 96 GDU
Mineral Blend 40 mg
Glucoamylase 40 AG
Cellulase Thera-blend 1,000 CU
Lipase Thera-blend 600 FCCFIP

Plant Based Enzymes ( 생식물 소화효소 입니다)
This product contain(s) no fillers.
본제품 에는 충진제가 일체 포함되지 않았습니다.

본 엔지메디카 사의 ( 낫토-K) 는 낫토키나제 성분 외에
추가로 7 종류의 효소및 미네랄 을 첨가 하여 기능을 향상시킨 제품 입니다.




▲ 이용법
낫또 에는 비타민 A와 C가 함유되어 있지 않으므로 천연 비타민과 함께 섭취 하시면
완벽한 영양과 건강증진을 보장 받으실 수가 있습니다.






자료제공 : 미국직송 건강식품  아이헬스라이프 www.iHealthLife.biz 



This product is a proprietary blend containing the enzyme Nattokinase NSK-SD, which has been shown to have a high fibrinolytic activity (breaks down fibrin) and antioxidant activity.

Additional Information about Natto-K

Nattokinase breaks down fibrin. Fibrin is a protein that forms in the blood after trauma or injury. This is essential to stop excess blood loss but excess fibrin has been shown to contribute to cardiovascular issues, poor circulation and slow tissue repair.

There are more than twenty enzymes in the body that assist in clotting the blood, while only one that can break the clot down (plasmin).

Bacteria, viruses, fungi and toxins present in the blood also trigger an inflammatory condition resulting in excess cross-linked fibrin. Since there is no danger of blood loss and trauma has not occurred, this cross-linked fibrin will circulate through the blood and will stick to the walls of blood vessels.

Nattokinase Proof: Blood Plasma Tests

Nattokinase has been the subject of 17 studies, including two small human trials. Researchers from JCR Pharmaceuticals, Oklahoma State University, and Miyazaki Medical College tested nattokinase on 12 healthy Japanese volunteers (6 men and 6 women, between the ages of 21 and 55).

They gave the volunteers 200 grams of natto (the food) before breakfast, then tracked fibrinolytic activity through a series of blood plasma tests.

The tests indicated that the natto generated a heightened ability to support circulation. on average, the volunteers'' ELT (a measure of how long it takes to dissolve a blood clot) dropped by 48 percent within two hours of treatment. An additional study showed a 11% decrease in blood pressure after just two weeks. 1,2,3


1.Natto-Traditional Japanese Fermented Soy Beans with Recently Discovered Health Benefits and Novel Industrial Applications, Enzyme Wave, Volume 3, June 2002, Amano Enzyme, Inc., page 2-4.

2. Maruyama M, Sumi H. Effect of Natto Diet on Blood Pressure. JTTAS, 1995.

3. Sumi H, Hamada H, Tsushima H, Mihara H, Muraki H. A novel fibrinolytic enzyme (nattokinase) in the vegetable cheese Natto; a typical and popular soybean food in the Japanese diet. Experientia 1987, Oct 15;43(10):1110-1.

4. Sumi H. Healthy Microbe "Bacillus natto". Japan Bio Science Laboratory Co. Ltd.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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