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월경전 증후군/ Bye PMS 90 vc Enz

慈尼 Johnny 2015. 1. 13. 03:50




바이 바이 월경전 증후군 90 vc 엔지메디카

Bye Bye PMS 90 vc   Enzymedica




 매월 월경 주기 전 1~10일  또는 주기 후 몇일간  일어나는 월경통 등과  

함께 수반되는 정신적 우울증 등 월경전 증후군 의  어려움 을 완화해 줍니다



    제품사진 을 클릭 하시면 해당 페이지로 이동합니다


Each month in the 7-10 days leading up to menstruation and
for a few days afterward, a woman’s physiology often wins
out over her best intentions to “stay on the wagon” regarding
her healthy lifestyle and routine.

It’s not so much an issue of willpower; even the best plans can
be sabotaged when normal physiological changes aren’t
working in harmony with healthy goals. Cravings can lead to
poor food choices, which can lead to a sense of failure and
cause emotional backlash.


Experiencing emotional changes, many women turn down
food or social activities to go home early or stay in bed to rest.
Feeling mentally, physically and emotionally “down in the
dumps” or checking out for a few days is a common problem.
The good news is that supplementing with certain nutrients
and digestive enzymes may help women feel a little less
grumpy and a little more like their


월경통 , 비건,



자료제공 : 미국직송 건강식품 아이헬스라이프 www.iHealthLife.com




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