석류 고농축 캡슐 Wonderful Pomegranate Softgel Capsules (60 Softgels per bottle)
*석류의 특징
* 콜레스테롤 건강수치 유지 * 심혈관 건강 * 천연 식물성 에스트로젠 ( 여성홀몬) 성분 함유
*Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. *Supports healthy cardiovascular function. *Contains natural Phytoestrogen. The culmination of years of research and development has resulted in our new Wonderful Pomegranate Softgel Capsules.
본 석류캡슐 제품은 석류과일 통재로 ( 껍질,과육,주스,씨앗) 가공추출 고농축 하여 복용이 편리하도록 소프트 캡슐화 한 제품이며,
가공시 일체 솔벤트 를 사용치 않고 자연적 으로 추출하여, 석류 과일 고유의 효소 가 최대한 활성화 되어있는 고급제품 입니다.
본 석류 고농축 캡슐 1정 에는 무려 Elagic Acid ( 엘라긴산) 50 mg, 항산화제 인 안토시아닌 80 mg, 등이 고농축 함유 되어있으며,
미국내 에서 재배된 최상급 품질 ( Grade-A ) 통 석류 만으로 엄선 하여 자체적 으로 직접 가공 생산 하였으며,
성분내용 및 함유량 ( 1 정당 ) Analyte Result Unit
Total Anthocyanins 79.65 mg / cap ( 안토시아닌) Punicic Acid 11.25 mg / cap Total Fatty Acids 71.16 mg / cap ( 지방산) Ellagic Acid 49.59 mg / cap (엘라긴산) Total Phenolics 33.50 mg / cap ( 총 페놀린) Phytoestrogens 2.38 mg / cap ( 식물성 에스트로젠) Total Sterols 4.19 mg / cap ( 총 스테롤) Vitamin E 13.15 mg / cap ( 비타민 E)
자료제공 : 미국직송 건강식품 아이헬스라이프 www.iHealthLife.biz
This analysis is subject to our Standard Terms, including our services and reports (i) and for the benefit of our client only and may not be relied upon by any other party and (ii) relate solely to the sample(s) in our possession and cannot be applied to any other material.
Made from whole Pomegranates (peel, pulp, juice and seeds), our natural process (no solvents used) maintains the fruit's active enzymes in a state of optimal bioavailability. The result is a Pomegranate Softgel that delivers 50 mg. of Ellagic Acid and 80 mg of Anthocyanins per capsule. Be aware that the internet is full of companies marketing supplements of marginal value to gullible consumers. Please exercise caution and take informed decisions. Be careful and read past a company's advertising rhetoric. Demand to see Certificates of Analysis showing actual Analyte values of the supplements you are buying. If you read an unsubstantiated claim on a website that sounds unbelievable, it probably is.
We are the only company in the world to make Fruit Softgels. We are not selling a generic powder pill made by a contract packer who simply slaps a label on a bottle with our name on it. We are the company that produces the product found in our Softgels. We use only Grade A - USA Grown - Whole Fruit, as our starting basis. We know the value of our product, the source of our materials and the exacting process necessary to achieve the testing results we demand.
Whether you decide to take our Pomegranate Softgels or our Pomegranate Concentrate is a matter of personal choice. Because our Pomegranate Softgels are made from the whole fruit and the Concentrate is a product of just the juice, we cannot give you a head to head comparison. If you are looking for convenience, we recommend the Softgels. If you like the flavor of the Concentrate and enjoy drinking it each day, you should probably stick with the Concentrate. We have many customers that buy both our Concentrates and our Softgels so that they have a stable product to take when traveling.
Wonderful Pomegranate Softgels are priced the same as our CherryFlex and Wild BlueberryIQ Softgels. Each bottle contains 60 softgels and is priced as follows:
To read about the great health properties found in Pomegranates, visit the Fruit Institute for a broad range of information.
Below is our Certificate of Analysis showing the Phytonutrient makeup of our Wonderful Pomegranate Softgels. Always review a supplements Certificate of Analysis before purchasing.